Woman Stretching

Dragon Hemp's 5 Do's and Don'ts for the Day Before a Big Event

Dragon Hemp



Time to read 8 min

Whether you’re a triathlete preparing for a big race or a bride gearing up for the marathon that is your wedding day, the day before is crucial for ensuring you perform at your best on the big day. Proper preparation can make a significant difference in your experience and overall performance, and even set you up for faster recovery in the days to come.

In honor of the Montauk Lighthouse Triathlon this Sunday, July 21st, we talked to a few of the Team Dragon Hemp athletes to come up with some essential tips to prepare you for the big day.


1. Stay Hydrated:

Hydration is essential for optimal performance in any endurance event, especially a triathlon where you'll be exerting yourself across three disciplines: swimming, cycling, and running. Dehydration can severely impact your performance and lead to fatigue and cramping, so staying hydrated is key. Throughout the day before your race, make it a priority to drink plenty of water. This helps ensure that you're well-hydrated before the race starts and not reliant on hydrating during the event, which will only slow you down.

In addition to water, consider incorporating electrolyte drinks into your hydration strategy. These drinks help replenish essential minerals like sodium and potassium, which are lost through sweat during exercise. Electrolytes play a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance and muscle function, so incorporating them into your hydration plan can help optimize your performance on race day.

2. Carb Loading:
Carbohydrates are the primary fuel source for endurance activities like triathlons. The day before your race, focus on consuming a balanced meal that is rich in carbohydrates. Carbohydrate loading helps top up your glycogen stores, which are the primary source of energy for your muscles during prolonged exercise.

Opt for easily digestible carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, bread, and potatoes. These foods provide a steady release of energy and help prevent the onset of fatigue during the race. It's essential to strike a balance between carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in your pre-race meal to ensure you have the nutrients necessary for sustained performance.

3. Pack Your Gear:
Preparation is key to a successful race day, and that includes organizing all your gear well in advance. The night before your triathlon, lay out all the gear you'll need for each leg of the race. This includes your bike, helmet, cycling shoes, running shoes, race number, wetsuit (if needed), goggles, and any nutrition you plan to use during the race.

Think of it like setting out your outfit the day before a big presentation—double-check that everything is in working order and that you haven't forgotten any essential items. Packing your gear the night before helps reduce stress on race morning and ensures you have everything you need to perform your best.

4. Visualize Your Race:
Mental preparation is just as important as physical preparation when it comes to triathlon racing. Visualization is a powerful technique that can help you mentally rehearse your race strategy and prepare for various scenarios you might encounter during the race.

Take some time the day before your triathlon to visualize yourself swimming smoothly through the water, cycling with power and efficiency, and running strong towards the finish line. Visualizing success helps build confidence, reduce pre-race nerves, and mentally prepares you for the challenges ahead.

5. Relax and Rest:
The day before your triathlon, focus on relaxing your body and mind to ensure you're well-rested and mentally fresh on race day. Engage in light stretching, yoga, or gentle mobility exercises to loosen tight muscles and improve flexibility, and aim to get a good night's sleep before your race. 

Sleep is essential for muscle recovery, cognitive function, and overall performance. Create a calming bedtime routine—Dragon Hemp's Sleep Gummies or Sleep Tincture can help you relax and ensure a restful night's sleep. Avoid screens and stimulating activities before bed, and ensure your sleep environment is quiet and comfortable.


1. Try Anything New:

Race day is not the time to experiment with new foods, gear, or training routines. Stick to what you know works for you based on your training and previous race experiences. Trying new foods or equipment the day before your race can lead to unexpected issues such as digestive discomfort, chafing, or equipment malfunctions that could negatively impact your performance.

Stick to familiar foods that you've tested during your training sessions and rely on gear that you've used and trust. Consistency is key to ensuring everything goes smoothly on race day.

2. Overexert Yourself:

It can be tempting to squeeze in one last intense workout or training session the day before your triathlon to "burn off nervous energy" or "feel extra prepared." However, this approach can do more harm than good. Overexerting yourself the day before the race can lead to muscle fatigue, increased risk of injury, and overall fatigue on race day.

Instead, trust in your training and focus on resting and conserving your energy. Light, easy activities such as a short swim or gentle bike ride can help keep your muscles loose without causing undue stress or fatigue.

3. Ignore Important Information:

Missing information can cost you valuable time on race day, make you late to an event or even miss a flight! Race briefings are a crucial opportunity to familiarize yourself with the race course, rules, and any last-minute updates or changes. Ignoring or skipping race briefings can leave you unprepared and confused on race day, potentially leading to penalties or navigation mistakes during the race.

Attend all scheduled race briefings and pay attention to the information provided by race organizers. Take note of key details such as course maps, transition area layout, aid station locations, and safety protocols. Being well-informed will help you approach the race with confidence and clarity.

4. Neglect Mental Preparation:

As mentioned, your mindset is crucial for performance. Neglecting mental preparation can lead to anxiety and distraction, which can negatively impact your race. Stress can cause muscle tension, disrupt your breathing, and impair decision-making, all of which can hinder your performance.

Avoid stress and negative thoughts by practicing deep breathing, meditation, or visualization exercises to stay calm and focused. Don’t watch a scary movie that might keep you up and affect your sleep the night before a day when you need to perform at your best. Dragon Hemp’s Calming Gummies can also help you stay relaxed and mentally prepared for race day, ensuring you approach the event with a clear, confident mind.

5. Forget Your Nutrition Plan:

Nutrition plays a crucial role in your performance during a triathlon. The day before your race, stick to your planned nutrition strategy to ensure you're adequately fueled and ready to perform at your best. Avoid consuming excessive amounts of caffeine or alcohol, as these can affect hydration levels and disrupt your sleep quality.

Focus on consuming balanced meals that provide a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. This will help top up your energy stores and support muscle recovery without causing digestive discomfort or energy crashes.

By following these do's and don'ts, you'll be well-prepared to tackle your big event with confidence and poise. 

Good luck!

Discover our favorite products to help prepare for a big event:

Our Story.

Dragon Hemp is the practitioner-founded apothecary that produces plant-based therapeutics formulated with a proprietary blend of next-generation botanicals and time honored herbal remedies.

For people seeking treatments that give relief & address the root cause.

Our herbal remedies are innovative and user-friendly, with wellness benefits that are effective & accessible to everyone.

So you can feel like yourself again.

Our Founder.

Kevin Menard, LAc., is the leading practitioner in Sports Medicine Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine on the East End of Long Island, with clientele ranging from business executives and fitness professionals to wellness gurus and weekend warriors.

As he cultivated his practice, Kevin began integrating CBD & other cannabinoids, native botanicals, and herbs into his treatments, addressing conditions like pain, musculoskeletal injuries, insomnia, overall wellness, and so much more. 

Following the promising results from his herbal and CBD-infused treatments, Kevin expanded his work, introducing Dragon Hemp to support patient wellness beyond his clinic's walls.

Our Apothecary.

Our Apothecary in Sag Harbor, New York was conceived as a beacon of rejuvenation and wellness in the Hamptons. Much more than a dispensary, at the core of the Dragon Hemp Apothecary is a commitment to education and understanding the benefits of time-honored herbal remedies synthesized with today’s advancements in cannabinoid research. 

Offering an array of products designed to align with the wellness needs of the Hamptons community, the store seeks to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and modern applications, making herbal medicine more compatible with our lifestyles today. Our unique apothecary in Sag Harbor not only represents a physical space but also embodies Dragon Hemp's ethos of premium, all-natural, effective wellness solutions, drawing from the rich heritage of the Hamptons and the innovative spirit of New York.

Not your conventional dispensary, our first-of-its-kind retail location, harmoniously balances tradition and innovation with an emphasis on experience and education. We invite you to step inside and let our herbal experts guide you on an exploration of the rejuvenating power of cannabinoids and traditional herbs in a setting that feels both timeless and contemporary.

Designed in collaboration with renowned Alfredo Paredes Studio, the apothecary embodies a sophisticated fusion of old-world tradition and contemporary application. Known for his 33-year tenure as Ralph Lauren Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer, Alfredo Paredes, a master of crafting memorable retail experiences, helped transform the space into a shining gem of Sag Harbor. Reflecting the premium, natural, and therapeutic essence of Dragon Hemp, every aspect of the store, including the unique furniture pieces from Paredes' line, contributes to an ambiance of refined tranquility and wellness. The design echoes a classic herbal pharmacy blended with a modern aesthetic, mirroring our brand ethos of contemporizing ancient herbal medicine for today’s applications. Read more about our Apothecary design in Forbes.

Standing out on Main Street in Sag Harbor with the glow of our distinctive neon sign, our unique retail store has become a design destination of its own -- beyond just wellness -- in one of the Hamptons’ most popular villages. Whether you’re looking for potent natural therapeutics to tackle pain & inflammation or legal THC products to enhance mood or improve sleep, our apothecary is your safe haven at 108 Main Street.

Our Products.

Our products are formulated to serve the four crucial daily needs most often seen in Kevin’s practice—Essential Wellbeing for comprehensive health, Rest & Restoration to foster rejuvenation, Aches & Pains for relief from discomfort, and Liniments for body care that enhances both physical and emotional wellbeing.

Available in four versatile forms—swift-absorbing tinctures, targeted balms, discreet gummies, and moisturizers—we ensure a suitable choice for every lifestyle and wellness routine.

Our Ingredients.

We carefully select our organically grown ingredients, emphasizing sustainability to protect Earth's biodiversity. 

We believe in transparency in all our processes, from ingredient selection to the methods used by our CBD farmers, who lead the sustainable agriculture charge and concentrate on ecosystem restoration and carbon sequestration.

We're not just about products but about nurturing an understanding of traditional herbal practices and helping people make healthy decisions. 

With respect, we introduce newcomers to the benefits of age old herbal wisdom. 

Our aim is a future where well-being stems from nature, combining timeless knowledge with today's research.

Discover the distinctive characteristics of each herb in our Ingredient Index.