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Recovery Tincture
No. 8 Recovery

For accidental aches, post-workout relief, and all other physical ailments.

  • A drop of relief for the prosperous life you deserve.
    For accidental aches, post-workout relief, and
    all other physical ailments that require your attention.

  • A powerful blend of corydalis, turmeric, frankincense, & myrrh to address immediate pains and promote healing of tissue, angelica root & salvia to reduce inflammatory conditions.

  • Licorice root to moderate, harmonize, and guide associative herbs plus Full Spectrum CBD hemp Extracts with THC to reduce inflammation and amplify all effects.


Great For:

  • Relieves pain and discomfort.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Stimulates faster healing and recovery.

For accidental aches, post-workout relief, and all other physical ailments.

No. 8 Recovery
Recovery Tincture

Considered quality for exceptional care.

Organic, US-Grown Hemp
Premium, Lab-Tested Chinese Herbs
Free of Pesticides & Additives
Gluten-Free Formulas
Vegan, Plant-Based Ingredients