Are Delta 9 Gummies Legal in Georgia
The clamor to legalize weed in the US has seen many things happen. And perhaps the single most important event was the passage of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (popularly known as the Farm Bill).
This legislation permitted industrial hemp farming, effectively making all hemp-derived compounds federally legal. While things seem pretty straightforward at the federal level, it’s a different story at the state level.
Some cannabis compounds like delta 8 face a resurgent anti-marijuana wave in at least five states. Fifteen others have already banned it. With such trends, many cannabis users are understandably apprehensive regarding the legality of their favorite cannabinoids.
So, if you live in Georgia or Florida and use cannabis recreationally or medically, this article is a must-read.
Key takeaways
- Delta-9-THC is the most abundant cannabinoid in marijuana. It is also the most psychotropic.
- The 2018 Farm Bill changed the cannabis landscape in the US, legalizing hemp and its derivatives.
- Typically, hemp contains less than 0.3% of THC.
- Hemp-derived delta 9 is federally legal, but different states have their own cannabis laws.
- Delta 9 is legal in Georgia, as is in Florida but only for medical users. Recreational marijuana is illegal in both states.
Delta-9-THC and Federal Law
Delta-9-THC is a naturally occurring cannabinoid in cannabis. It’s typically the most abundant cannabinoid in sativa strains and is responsible for the “high” effect. In fact, most times when people talk about THC, they implicitly refer to delta 9, but there are other ‘deltas.’
One of delta 9’s key qualities is psychoactivity. It is often associated with euphoria, elation, and heightened sensitivity. Besides these, delta 9 also has health benefits such as pain relief, sleep promotion, anxiety reduction, and appetite stimulation, among many others.
However, in large doses, this cannabinoid can induce unpleasant experiences such as:
- Paranoia
- Anxiety
- loss of coordination
- Delusions
- Altered sense of time
- Hallucinations
- Mood changes
- Impaired memory
Thinking and problem-solving difficulties
For these reasons, delta 9 is primarily a banned substance. But after the 2018 Farm Bill, its legality has become somewhat fluid and is often determined by its source.
Thankfully, as per the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp-derived delta 9 is federally legal as long as it does not constitute more than .3% of the product. This quantity is considered too low to produce the effects enumerated above.
So, if the delta 9 in your product comes from marijuana, you will likely get into problems with law enforcement. That’s because marijuana is listed as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act.
However, the differences between federal and State marijuana laws create a legal conundrum. It has led to situations where you can be charged with a federal crime for engaging in marijuana-related activities that are perfectly legal in your home state.
The good news is federal agencies are unlikely to charge you with marijuana possession unless the drug is also associated with gang activity, organized crime, or dangerous driving.
Georgia Delta-9-THC Laws
When discussing delta-9-THC laws in Georgia, we focus primarily on marijuana legislation. That’s because marijuana typically contains high THC content than hemp. So, logically, it is the reference point regarding any State’s delta 9 laws.
Traditionally, marijuana laws in Georgia have been tough. However, as marijuana legislation continues to evolve across the country, understanding the current Georgia marijuana laws is key to ensuring you don’t get into problems with the criminal justice system.
Because it contains high THC levels, marijuana remains illegal in Georgia. While there is a little leeway with medical marijuana, its use is still highly restricted. That means walking into your local weed store and saying you want medical marijuana for chronic pain simply won’t cut it.
To access medical marijuana in Georgia, you must have one or more of the following qualifying conditions:
- Cancer
- Epilepsy
- Anxiety and depression
- Chronic pain
- Parkinson’s disease
- Crohn’s disease
- Glaucoma
- Multiple sclerosis
- Pain due to terminal conditions
A few years back, Georgia amended its laws to allow people with other “debilitating” medical conditions access medical marijuana treatment. The intent and purpose of this amendment was to help people with serious medical problems. So, the language is specific – you actually have to be sick to use medical cannabis.
Once registered, you can only purchase marijuana from licensed treatment centers. That means you cannot get it from homegrown sources or your next-door friend.
Georgia's medical marijuana law allows qualified patients to possess up to 20 fluid ounces of “low THC oil,” legally.
Although cannabis in Georgia is currently illegal for recreational use, some cities within Georgia such as Atlanta, Athens, Macon, Savannah and others have decriminalized its use recreationally.
Even though medical marijuana is legal in Georgia, recreational marijuana is not. That means it carries a misdemeanor/felony charge. Having 20 grams or less of marijuana is a misdemeanor (a lesser offense). It could get you a one-year jail sentence or a $1,000 fine.
Is Delta-9 a Controlled Substance in Georgia
Of all the cannabinoids of cannabis, delta-9-THC is the most prominent and indisputably the most scrutinized. This is true whether at the federal or State level. Georgia is not any different – if anything, it has relatively strict anti-marijuana laws.
Georgia passed its Hemp Farming Act to streamline its marijuana laws with the federal guidelines spelled out in the 2018 Farm Bill. So, delta-9-THC is not a controlled substance in Georgia per se if it is derived from hemp with no more than 0.3% THC content.
This means you can access delta 9 gummies in Georgia without violating the State’s laws.
One way of doing this is by using delta 9 extracted from hemp. This type of cannabis typically contains low THC content (0.3% or less). Therefore, it is widely used to make medicinal cannabis products that do not intoxicate.
The subsequent signing into law the House Bill 213 in Georgia effectively made hemp and its derivatives legal. However, the concentration of delta 9 in such products must be less than 0.3% by dry weight.
However, these exemptions only apply to medical cannabis. And to access medical marijuana, patients must meet specific qualifying conditions. The total THC content in such marijuana should not be more than 5%. The products are also required to have more non-psychoactive cannabinoids like CBD.
Be advised that Georgia prohibits recreational cannabis use and has harsh penalties for possessing even little amounts. But some “sanctuary” cities allow their residents to possess little amounts.
Delta-9-THC Possession Limits in Georgia
The great news is that you can actually buy delta-9-THC in Georgia. The not-so-good part is that you must be 21 years and older to do so. But remember that this only applies to medical marijuana. Recreational cannabis use in the Peach State is illegal.
Being found in possession of little quantities of marijuana is a misdemeanor in Georgia and attracts mild penalties. However, repeat offenders and possessing larger amounts can attract harsher penalties.
Generally, any marijuana-related conviction comes with the suspension of your driver’s license.
However, if you are legally allowed to possess marijuana for medical reasons, you can only have as much as 20 fl. Oz. of low-THC oil. Here is a list of medical conditions that qualify one to access medical marijuana.
You’ll also need to have a Low THC Registry Card. This can be obtained by applying through your physician to the Georgia Department of Public Health. The card costs $25 and is valid for two years.
It is also important to note that Georgia requires people legally permitted to possess marijuana to have a tax stamp. This stamp is state-issued and should be affixed on your stash of marijuana failure to which you may face criminal sanction.
Is Delta-9-THC Legal in Georgia
We know that cannabis laws in Georgia are confusing, so we’ll try to simplify everything.
Hemp is legal in Georgia, and so is hemp-derived delta 9 THC and other “deltas.” That is if it complies with the provisions of the 2018 Farm Bill. So, in a nutshell, delta-9-THC is legal in Georgia.
Where to Buy Delta-9 Gummies in Georgia
Due to its versatility, delta 9 can be fashioned into almost anything – edibles, oils and tinctures, lotions and creams, etc. Delta-9-gummies are perhaps one of the most popular ways to consume THC. Of course, they are tasty and discrete, meaning you can enjoy them on the go.
So, if you are in for some legal high-quality delta 9 product, try our Delta-9-THC Chill Gummies. These come in two flavors—mojito and grapefruit. For experienced users, the grapefruit-flavored gummies are ideal because they pack a punch – 5 mg of hemp-derived delta 9 THC per gummy! We recommend the mojito-flavored gummies for users who prefer a less intense buzz, as these have 2.5 mg of delta-9-THC per gummy.
What’s more, these gummies are infused with a concentrated blend of naturally occurring cannabinoids like CBD, CBG, CBDV, and a host of terpenes for an overall great experience! The perfect way to end a hectic workday or begin a night of fun! You can order these gummies online, and we’ll deliver them right to your doorstep!
If you want to learn more about delta 9’s legality in the country and some of its health benefits, check out the video at this link:
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