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Energy Gummies
No. 9 Prosperity

Supercharge your day with an invigorating dose of enthusiasm.

  • An invigorating dose of enthusiasm. For midday slumps, sluggish senses, and periods where you need a little boost to your day.

  • Rejuvenating THCV for improved cognitive function, inflammation reduction, and appetite suppression.

  • Complementary CBC for energy without the wired feeling of caffeine.


Great For:

  • Natural caffeine-free energy.
  • Appetite Suppressant.

Supercharge your day with an invigorating dose of enthusiasm.

No. 9 Prosperity
Energy Gummies

Considered quality for exceptional care.

Organic, US-Grown Hemp
Premium, Lab-Tested Chinese Herbs
Free of Pesticides & Additives
Gluten-Free Formulas
Vegan, Plant-Based Ingredients